Friday, August 31, 2018

Lives of Truth

My recent birthday celebration came, and, in some ways, I barely noticed- there was news—affecting news, causing a distraction. We lost the presence of Senator McCain and Aretha Franklin. In the days that followed through today the nation, writ large, experienced a celebration of these lives; they were lives distinguished by their embrace of truth.

When first I heard Aretha perform, I realized she was part of a long and brilliant tradition. Greatness in music, these Black Divas reached me and millions- something about the way they moved the air, moved human spirits. We could soar or mourn with equal depth, they involved us. She made us move our feet to the rhythm of her words; she also made us open eyes to see the ugliness of the world and that we are left to change it. I could chart phases of my life by Aretha’s albums, tapes, and CDs that I purchased and, in some cases, played until they were worn thin. When I wrote about her—I said a little prayer.

Senator McCain was often the rival of my political ideals, and just as often a champion of a cause with which I identified. He stood strong for decency and equality. Senator McCain lived his patriotism; he gave his body and spirit to his country. He championed the fights against forces that steal freedom; he knew they first stole truth. Truth is the first victim of evil. We honored Senator McCain as if he were a national leader—for in a leaderless time- we all looked to him, turned our yearning eyes to him.

Living in truth; it is the example of a way to live and a way to depart the world. Living in truth is the acceptance of the great gift of life and the great obligation that accompanies existence- we have a debt to eternity, to realize that life is all that we know, and to make it better for every other life.
We live in an age that tests truth- that bends the modern miracles of communication and technology to the pettiness of a long dead age. There is no truth to supremacy; there is greatness in gratitude, there is immortality in sacrifice, and there is love—as the only thing we can create in life and keep forever.

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