Friday, May 9, 2014

Better than bullets...

In the Soviet invasion of the Ukraine, following the drama of heroes in the Maijden in Kiev, the theft of Crimea, and the continued onslaught by State sponsored thuggism, a ray of hope and sunlight emerged. Proof of sanity in international relations. The United States under the leadership of President Obama, has stood boldly even where European nations have been too timid to act and established a landmark of peaceful resolution of armed conflict.

Far from the furious buildup of thousands of troops along the Ukraine border, and the brazen capture of the luxurious Crimean Peninsula, stands Russia now beginning to feel the deep chill of money blowing the other way.  It appears that they and most of the world forgot how dependent the Russian economy is upon foreign investment. The true engine of the Russian Economy is not oil and gas, but the money needed to exploit resources at home and abroad.
So much depends upon the willingness of bankers and creditors. So much depends on open arms in trade and on Wall Street. There is only so much money in selling arms all over the world, in the end it takes a lot of money to produce advanced weaponry.

There is a lesson in wisdom, that banking systems can fold a fragile national economy like a cheap Chinese fan, this is a better idea than a land war in Eastern Europe, it is a dollar war in cyberspace and on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico where they partner with Exxon for deep sea wells-- anywhere that Russia needs to be engaged in making profits.

The world is one step closer to finding resolve to handle a military dictatorship without a $trillion dollar invasion that only benefits the U.S. War machine. This is a grand bargain, peace at a price-- and on Mother's days yet to come, it will be a Grand Bargain.

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